Tuesday 19 January 2010

TPI Assignment 1 Results

How fast was that !

I submitted Assignment One last night and when I logged in this morning it has been marked. Not only that, my tutor had added some very useful comments as well.

Having reviewed the assignment, my answers and the comments from the Tutor I can see that this isn't just about Questions and Answers, or just about photography.

You need to read and understand the infomation provided in the modules. You need to fill in the blanks (after working out if there are any to fill). You need to ensure you put your perspective on things. There isn't really a right or wrong answer as long as you can explain your choices and what you expect to get from them.
You need to research different scenarios to see what others would do and then decide what works for you as your own style is very important.
You need to re-read the areas you are unsure of until it sticks.

I know it's only the first module but I have learned a lot already. The fact that I got 8/10 doesnt mean I did well. It means I understand the differences between lens types and when they should be used. What I really learned from this is that I should look at each situation in detail and document everything I thought about. It is quite easy to just pick what lens you would use for a certain situation and why, but it requires more research, knowledge and creativity to produce an image that stands out above the others.

The real test will come with Assignment 2 when I get to submit my first image.

Here goes......

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