Sunglasses - I was struggling with this assignment at the start and it took me a while to realise what the problem was. Then just by coincidence I happened to buy a new pair of sunglasses. While driving home from the shops with the new sunglasses on I was amazed at how much greener the grass was and how much bluer the sky was. The sunglasses have a orange tint and this was making my view of the world look completely different. I particularly liked the way the clouds were more prominent and that I could see more detail whereas without the glasses there was no real detail visible. Just for clarification, this assignment is all about Light & Colour.
This sunglasses moment sort of kick started the assignment off for me and I then set about re-reading the assignment several times over. There were also books recommended in the assignment which I have since bought.
So having got the enthusiasm back I set about taking some shots to use for the assignment. This was when things started to go down hill again. Although I had some images to play with I was not 100% happy with them but I'll blame that on the weather and the small windows of opportunity I had to get out and shoot. In fact, the next hurdle was to do with technology not taking pictures. The objective was to utilise channel mixing to produce a monochrome image. This is difficult when your software does not have that feature.
Gimp - Having read through some course documentation for help I found I was faced with 2 choices, 1. Purchase Photoshop CS4 or 2. Download the Gimp for free. You guessed it, with Gimp installed I started to play with the channel mixer and managed to get some fairly good results. Channel mixing can be quite difficult and I tried it on a lot of images to try and get a better understanding about how the Red, Green and Blue channels affect an image when they are manipulated. This was all well and good but I was still not at the point where I felt I had a good enough image to upload and write about.
CS5 - After all the fretting over this assignment I was rescued by Adobe. Just by coincidence they launched CS5 and there was a free 30 day trial on offer. Without hesitation I downloaded the trial and re-visited most of my images so I could use a real channel mixer on them. The difference was amazing, the application is so good it's untrue. I was able to process my final image, write up my findings and I got 9/10 for my efforts.
There's more - I also found out through this great group on flickr that as a student with the Photography Institute I was entitled to a student discount on Adobe products. When I say discount it's not like 10 or 20%, its closer to 80%, and for a product like CS5 this make a HUGE difference.
You guessed it, I now use CS5 extended which includes Bridge, mini-bridge and Camera Raw. Plus I also got a months subscription to where there a tons of tutorials videos on Photoshop and a whole host of other products.
This was one of the most challenging and interesting assignments so far and I have learnt a great deal from it.